Local store marketing on the web is a uniquely important [...]
Gas Station and Convenience Store Owners Need to Keep Pace [...]
Google algorithm updates that effect search engine ranking position along with recent Penguin algorithm and Panda algorithm updates. Google states it is looking to continually improve search results.
Customer Ratings and Reviews webinar will helps businesses understand a new way of managing online reputation and how this can effect search engine rankings of websites and local business listings.
Google Places results which provide local business listing results before national results now received the instant preview feature too and are displayed on the first page of the search results. This is a new functionality that will further encourage and require businesses to take control of their Local Business Listings to insure local customers get the geographic marketing information the business wishes to provide.
Lead generators for local automotive dealership stores are losing their effectiveness and are replaced by local business marketing tools on the web to reach local consumers using local business listings.